Scripture Echo
seeks to provide creative, soul-renewing resources that are steeped in scripture, for use in ministry or personal devotion.


Scripture Echo


Available Now:

Winter Lectionary Liturgy - Order Now:
    8 week season - begins Sunday January 12
    (Special edition for January 5th included!)

Scripture Echo Readings for Lent & Easter
    A Creative Way to Present Scripture with multiple Voices

Trusting Silence:
    Contemplative Practices for Worship

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Trying to stay undistracted.
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A Chrysalis of Grace

give us
a chrysalis of grace
wrapped around
our lives
& our dreams
& around
our past.

And in the dark & lonely
remind us
to change
& grow
as we wait
& wait
& wait
& wonder.

Open our eyes
to see a peak
of light
as bright
breaks through.

Then finally
but gently
push us
into the future
to emerge
a new creature
to realize
these wings
are meant
to fly.

by Tracey Marx

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